The whitelist/blacklist feature is useful if you have selected to allow or block all notifications in Chrome using the content setting described above. Use the whitelist/blacklist for specific sites The default setting is "ask when a site wants to show notifications", and the only other option is to allow notifications automatically by selecting "allow all sites to show notifications".Switch the preference to "do not allow any site to show notifications" to block all notifications.Scroll down until you find the Notifications listing.

How to turn off notifications in Google Chrome (old instructions) Click on add next to "allow" to add sites to the whitelist that you want to send notifications to you.This turns off notifications for all sites except for sites in the whitelist. Toggle the preference so that the slider is gray (which means it is off).The default setting is "Sites can ask to send notifications".Load chrome://settings/content in the browser's address bar.You control notifications in the following way now: Google changed the notification behavior in recent versions of Chrome.